
Friday, April 28, 2006

corrupted virus thingy

for some uncanny reason. the f*&^ing computer goes haywire when i leave it too long. maybe it's corrupted by an unknown virus of some sort. whatever! maybe...

i was typing this LOOOOONG, article about what's "in" this 2006. i was uploading pics on the latest styles when all of a sudden, an error message appears. WAAAHHH!!! i was so depressed, i didn't even touch the damned thing for the whole day.

summer's not being... well... very summery for me at all. haven't been to the beach with the folks, or haven't been wickedly partying at all. just "mole-ing" (malling), and watching a lot of TV... and you guessed it... you tube. who would've known it kept me occupied for the last month? i feel very losery at the moment. is this the price of having your friends in the provinces or... away from you? i just miss them, KOPS (high school)... the tropa (college). and to make things more crappy, we've been resectioned. nagkawatak-watak!

yhurie and i are in section b, almost all my friends, our friends are in section d... mae and aena are in section a. pucha. what will be left of us?

i just WISH that school would start soon. i bloody miss my friends. i bloody miss being busy. i want to learn about anatomy or something. it beats staying here- doing chores and gaining weight. but combatting it with dance dance revolution.

it looks like it's gonna be one quiet summer.

kangy at 4/28/2006 09:17:00 PM | permalink | comments (0)


my name is kang. 19. sarcastic, effortlessly cooky. happy and seeing life in pink. i've seen lalala land and i'm currently residing in it. i like parties, dancing and food. but i love reggae and HIM...

.:Memories of the Past:.

.:Recently, I've loved:.
what to write
the first bout
this is a test

.:Conversations are Endearing:.

.:Footprints in the Sand:.
-mike... my sanosuke sagara
-kuya k... ang makata
-ana... oni
-kris... poopykins
-mae... pacita
-fefe... akane
-mimi... the royal daughter
-jonar...the literati

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