
Sunday, July 23, 2006

when vanity strikes!

at any rate... i made pakulot my hair.

lookie at the link if you dare. i happen to like my hair now :) i think.

i'm sorry if i happen to be REAAALLLY lazy, and posting nonsense at these moments... but... i'm in a rut and dormant stage of my writing life right now.

with insecurities, teeth carvings and lorena balacanao et al... life couldn't be more bittersweet.

enjoy the pictures anyway!

kangy at 7/23/2006 09:09:00 PM | permalink | comments (0)


my name is kang. 19. sarcastic, effortlessly cooky. happy and seeing life in pink. i've seen lalala land and i'm currently residing in it. i like parties, dancing and food. but i love reggae and HIM...

.:Memories of the Past:.

.:Recently, I've loved:.
last offer
maling URL
jerks will be jerks
what happened
new favorte song to master.. la vie en rose!
a hiatus finally over
a blog entry by ana marfori... ONI.
"kang... keep swimming"
the life saver song! DAHAN DAHAN by brownman revival
dahan dahan tayo sa lahat

.:Conversations are Endearing:.

.:Footprints in the Sand:.
-mike... my sanosuke sagara
-kuya k... ang makata
-ana... oni
-kris... poopykins
-mae... pacita
-fefe... akane
-mimi... the royal daughter
-jonar...the literati

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