
Thursday, June 08, 2006

a blog entry by ana marfori... ONI.

Mush mode.

Posted by
amtm7 at 09:51 pm on May 31st, 2006.

Most of you probably don't know that I keep a handwritten journal for my more personal/emo entries. Well, I do. And I hardly ever share with other people what I write there, but I've really really been missing my high school friends lately. The paragraph below basically describes a typical lunch break with them. For you, my lurves!

Sometimes, I can picture it in my head almost perfectly... To my right is Kang, holding some book or a compilation of poems. Every now and then we exchange a few lines about calories. (Oh, the anorexic days. Hahaha.)

And we're very much aware that it's annoying the hell out of everyone else, but we don't care. To my left is Marian, quietly listening to Mae and Kris while eating siomai or chocolate chip cookies. No one else seems to notice, but she's actually just waiting for someone to stutter or say something stupid so she can laugh. Mae is across me, feasting on one of her two (yes, two) lunches. She's rolling her eyes and "whatever-ing" Kris every now and then. Kris is holding a slice of pizza and, as always, is calling Mae a loser. She's seated on a monobloc chair (shamelessly taken from some other part of the canteen) 'coz she was too lazy to race us to the table again.

It may seem lame to a lot of you, but I seriously looked forward to that every single day. The day-to-day things in high school are so underrated. I just wish I could have savored them more while they lasted.

kangy at 6/08/2006 09:08:00 PM | permalink | comments (0)


my name is kang. 19. sarcastic, effortlessly cooky. happy and seeing life in pink. i've seen lalala land and i'm currently residing in it. i like parties, dancing and food. but i love reggae and HIM...

.:Memories of the Past:.

.:Recently, I've loved:.
"kang... keep swimming"
the life saver song! DAHAN DAHAN by brownman revival
dahan dahan tayo sa lahat
the first day of june
angst. angst. angst.
today was average
if you have good friends. you'll get it
dedicated to...

.:Conversations are Endearing:.

.:Footprints in the Sand:.
-mike... my sanosuke sagara
-kuya k... ang makata
-ana... oni
-kris... poopykins
-mae... pacita
-fefe... akane
-mimi... the royal daughter
-jonar...the literati

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