
Saturday, May 27, 2006

if you have good friends. you'll get it

"There's more to life than being in a band. Your friends are what will matter in the end."

"Don't give the things people do your subliminal meanings."

"Guys can do the sweetest things for girls and still not feel anything for them."

"Don't think of it too much."

"Borderline of CHEATING AND FAITHFULNESS: Recognize the reality that you already have the person that can give you more than what you get from the cheap thrills of attraction."

i feel lucky that God has given me friends and cousins that'll keep me on the ground and make me want to write :)

i have been in super senti mode for 24 hours and lemme tell you, when you are sad like hell and things happen to make things worse- time goes effin' slow.

it's good when you have friends to tell your problems to when the world just steps on your train and laughs while you trip and act stupid.

thanks, mga repapips!

kangy at 5/27/2006 11:58:00 AM | permalink | comments (0)


my name is kang. 19. sarcastic, effortlessly cooky. happy and seeing life in pink. i've seen lalala land and i'm currently residing in it. i like parties, dancing and food. but i love reggae and HIM...

.:Memories of the Past:.

.:Recently, I've loved:.
dedicated to...
my brother's birhday
can you speak patois? and the thrills of online da...
my summer songs and things
the unsuccessful gimik night
funny and downright dumbfounding terms
the last bits of vacation
damn i hate disease!
"momento mori"

.:Conversations are Endearing:.

.:Footprints in the Sand:.
-mike... my sanosuke sagara
-kuya k... ang makata
-ana... oni
-kris... poopykins
-mae... pacita
-fefe... akane
-mimi... the royal daughter
-jonar...the literati

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