
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

if you're like me and have nothing to do...

have you ever thought of what CAN happen if you knew the ANSWERS to these questions?

1. what does <3 mean? what is a "<3"
----- is it a heart? or a ... man's privates? (i'm being truthful.) a fancy bullet (computer language)

2. which came first... the chicken or the egg?

3. who was the first guy to ever watch cable TV in the philippines.

4. why does jackie chan and jfk have cursed blood lines?

5. do you really believe in your religion?

6. who was the first pop idol band?

7. what can cure aids?

8. what diet plan can work for anyone. i'm not talking about exercise dammit!

9. do you really think that eve was adam's first wife?

10. what causes someone to turn bad, or basically ugly. sometimes, baby... you can't blame genes. hahahaha :)

what can happen if you knew the answers? i have no idea.

kangy at 5/02/2006 11:28:00 AM | permalink | comments (0)


my name is kang. 19. sarcastic, effortlessly cooky. happy and seeing life in pink. i've seen lalala land and i'm currently residing in it. i like parties, dancing and food. but i love reggae and HIM...

.:Memories of the Past:.

.:Recently, I've loved:.
i love this song! all hail pinoy reggae
TV... wonder of technology (?)
my sailor moon addiction (more to come)
screwed by paris hilton
corrupted virus thingy
what to write
the first bout
this is a test

.:Conversations are Endearing:.

.:Footprints in the Sand:.
-mike... my sanosuke sagara
-kuya k... ang makata
-ana... oni
-kris... poopykins
-mae... pacita
-fefe... akane
-mimi... the royal daughter
-jonar...the literati

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