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Sunday, May 14, 2006 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY
kangy at 5/14/2006 01:43:00 PM | permalink | comments (0) ~~~~~ |
.:THIS IS ME:. my name is kang. 19. sarcastic, effortlessly cooky. happy and seeing life in pink. i've seen lalala land and i'm currently residing in it. i like parties, dancing and food. but i love reggae and HIM... .:Memories of the Past:. .:Recently, I've loved:. nostalgia nerve just got hit hard, baby! from my e-mails that i really didn't read! :) after the crash if you're like me and have nothing to do... i love this song! all hail pinoy reggae TV... wonder of technology (?) my sailor moon addiction (more to come) screwed by paris hilton corrupted virus thingy what to write .:Conversations are Endearing:. .:Footprints in the Sand:. -MY POETRY -mike... my sanosuke sagara -kuya k... ang makata -ana... oni -kris... poopykins -mae... pacita -fefe... akane -mimi... the royal daughter -jonar...the literati -Tuskudrusla